“Sanjivani K.B.P. Polytechnic has been awarded the Education Excellence Award 2024 by the Institution of Engineers (IEI).”
Category : Private
Under the motivational leadership of Honourable Nitin Dada Kolhe (Chairman, Sanjivani Group of Institutes) and guidance of Honourable Amit Nitinrao Kolhe (Managing Trustee, Sanjivani Group of Institutes), team members of Sanjivani K B P Polytechnic, Kopargaon are striving hard towards excellence. As a recognition of this, the Institution of Engineers (IEI) has awarded us with the Education Excellence Award 2024 in the Polytechnic category. We really feel proud to share this appreciation to all the stakeholders of the Institute including all proud alumni, industry connects, parents, students, all the team members of the Institute and all the well-wishers.