Vision of Department:-

To Create professionals& to provide developed and testing environment to meet ever changing and ever demanding needs of the Electronic Industry in particular, along with IT & other inter disciplinary fields in general so as to strengthen social economy.

 Mission of Department:-

To Create & achieve an educational environment by which students can meet the challenges of modern Industrial society by giving them:

Sound Technical Knowledge

Analytical and Practical skills

Innovative Ideas to work



 The programme educational objectives of electronics and telecommunication programme are designed to produce quality diploma students to cater professional requirements of the programme.

 The graduates shall:

1. Identify, define and solve problems in the fields of electronics & communication engineering.

2. Employ necessary techniques and tools for advanced engineering applications, engage themselves in research and development and take up higher education.

3. Use their skills in ethical & professional manner to raise the satisfaction level of the stakeholders.


The programme is targeted at developing following competencies, skills and abilities amongst students. They shall be able to:

1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and core engineering specialization to the defined and applied engineering procedures, processes, systems or methodologies to electronics & telecommunication engineering.

2. Identify, formulate, and study literature and analyses electronics and telecommunication engineering problems in reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools.

3. Designing solutions for electronics and telecommunication engineering problems and which helps inthe design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of problems, locate, search and select relevant data from datasheets, standard databases and literature review, open ended experiments.

5. Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling to electronics and telecommunication engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. Demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues through awareness among the society about environmental aspects, pollution control, conservation of resources and bio diversity.

7. Understand the impact of electronics and telecommunication engineering on the environment and possible remedies or precautions needs to be taken to protect the environment.

8. Demonstrate knowledge & understanding of engineering management principles, professional and ethical responsibilities.

9. Demonstrate and develop the abilities and skills to perform at highest degree of quality as an individual as well as a member of core group or team, which helps to enhance capabilities in the field of searching, assimilating information, managing task, handling people effectively.

10. Communicate effectively with engineering community and society at large through technical report writing, design documentation, project reports, and effective presentations and to give and receive clear instructions.

11. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding technologies of electronics and telecommunication engineering which are thrown up new opportunities that transforming talented and enterprising personalities by exploring their capabilities into business ventures.

12. Develop confidence in life-long learning by adapting to rapidly changing technologies of electronics and telecommunication engineering and allied areas.

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