
Sr. No Name of the Laboratory Name of the Lab. Incharge Name of the Lab. Assistant Name of the Attendent Cost of the Lab Area of Lab. (Sq.M) Block No
1 Electrical Machine Lab. Mrs. R. R. Dabhade Mr. P. B. Gawali Mr. M. N. Kulkarni 15,69,171=00 66.00 Sq. M. 8
2 Electrical Power Systems Lab Mr. V. S. Chavan Mr. G. S. Dole Mr. D.V. Kakade 9,01,006=64 86.95 Sq.M. 312
3 Electrical Measurment Lab. Mr. B. B. Kadam Mr. G. S. Dole Mr. D.V. Kakade 6,50,673=74 86.95 Sq.M. 313
4 Electrical Computer Lab. Mr. D.R. Narkhede Mr. P. B. Gawali Mr. M. N. Kulkarni 6,45,346=00 87.00 Sq.M. 307
5  Power Electronics Lab. Mr. G. S. Changan Mr. G. S. Dole Mr. M. N. Kulkarni 2,28,994=00 75.00 Sq.M 308
6 Electrical workshop Lab. Mrs. K. G. Joshi Mr. G. S. Dole Mr. D.V. Kakade 25,300 = 00 63.48 Sq.M. 314