Board of Trustees

Sr.No Name of Trustees Designation
01 Hon’ble  Shri  Nitinrao  Shankarrao  Kolhe Chairman
02 Hon’ble  Shri  Bipindada  Shankarrao  Kolhe Trustee
03 Hon’ble  Shri  Amit Nitinrao Kolhe  Managing Trustee
04 Hon’ble  Shri  Jayram  Vishram  Gadakh Trustee
05 Hon’ble Shri  Shivajirao Anandrao Sandhan Trustee
06 Hon’ble Shri Sumit Nitinrao Kolhe Trustee
07 Hon’ble Shri Vivek Bipindada Kolhe Trustee
08 Hon’ble  Shri  Ambadas Antre Secretary


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