

1. Computer Aided Drawing Lab:

Civil engineering students are now able to access a fully equipped computer lab with the latest hardware & software, visual aids, plotting devices, and more. This will help them develop their knowledge and skills so they can build a successful career in this field. CAD lab equips students with advanced civil engineering software to make them job-ready and globally competitive. Through workshops and training, they learn how to operate 2D & 3D drafting of civil engineering drawings using the most recent Auto cad software version.

2.Testing of Material Lab:

This lab aims to help students grasp the fundamental principles of material strength. Various practicals of mechanics of structure, strength of materials are conducted in this lab.. During the lab sessions, different experiments are conducted to determine the mechanical properties of materials such as Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength, Compressive Strength, Impact Strength and Hardness.

3.Geo-technical Engineering Lab:

The goal of this lab is to show how geo-technical engineering is practically applied. It involves learning about soil and rock materials in order to conduct engineering experiments, design projects, and build structures. A variety of testing equipment such as vane shear tests, permeability tests, and core cutter apparatuses are available. These range from basic to cutting-edge soil and aggregate testing systems, infrastructure in a soils laboratory. The various practicals performed in the subject is useful for design, execution and analysis of structures.

4.Applied Mechanics Lab:

This lab is well equipped with all the equipment’s required to learn basic concepts of mechanics. Students are learning various effects of forces on bodies with help of lab equipment’s which is important for understanding, learning and applying laws of mechanics to solve civil engineering design problems.

5.Public Health Engineering Lab:

The Public Health Engineering Lab of the Civil Engineering Department. is well equipped. It offers a great venue to go deeper into the field and gain more knowledge & expertise. The Laboratory has equipment to analyze pollution parameters in water and waste water, soil etc.

 6.Survey Lab:

Practical surveying experience in the lab setting gives students great insights into tackling authentic engineering challenges. The laboratory is equipped with traditional and modern surveying technology so that students can be prepared for anything they may face on the job.

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